Student Accommodations In Lyngby

There are currently available student accommodations in Lyngby, also refered to as Kongens Lyngby.

About the apartments
The building has 160 apartments situated in the city central close to supermarkets and cafes. The apartments has one or two rooms, has nordic interior and design and big windows that create space and light. All apartments has a bathroom and kitchen.

The building is designed with staggered floors which enhances the light in and views of the apartments. 

The rent starts from 6.250 DKK a month for the apartments at 32 square meters. 

There are currently several vacant apartments, ranging in size and price.

The building has a courtyard where residents can meet up and enjoy the green areas. Additionally a roof top terrace has been installed free of use for the residents. The building has several common kitchens and common areas which are frequently used by residents who cook and hang out together. Furthermore the building has a laundromat which can be used at a cost. The building has an elevator and parking for your bicycle in the courtyard.

The building is located on a central street in the city of Lyngby close to all necessities like supermarkets, gyms and good hangout spots and shops. Close to the city you will find nature and parks inviting to take a walk or a jog. 

The train station are only a few hundred meters from the apartments and has direct transits to Copenhagen.

It is required that you are a student of a minimum workload of 20 hours per week. All SU-approved education is accepted and you can get dispensation if you have any other student related occupations such as an internship. 

You can register for the listing and get an e-mail when the building has a vacant apartment. It is required that you show up for an open house event before applying for one of the apartments. 

Tæt på centrum og hovedgaden finder du denne studiebolig Lyngby
Nye studieboliger i Lyngby tæt på hovedgadens butikker og caféer

Available Student Accommodations
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3 dage for kun 44 kr.

*Fornyes automatisk hver 14 dag af 149 kr. Kan opsiges når som helst, til udgangen af en medlemsperiode.


14 dage for 185 kr.

*Fornyes automatisk hver 14 dag af 144 kr. Kan opsiges når som helst, til udgangen af en medlemsperiode.

Den store pakke

4 uger for 249 kr.

*Fornyes automatisk hver 4. uge til 219 kr. Kan opsiges når som helst, til udgangen af en