290 Dorms in Copenhagen

WE HAVE COLLECTED 35,000 STUDENT ACCOMMODTIONS FROM 290 DORMS in COPENHAGEN AND SURROUNDING AREAS. Our database help you navigate the market for student dorms Copenhagen. 



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Motivated application

Motivated dormitory application – What is it and what should it say? What is a motivated application? A motivated dormitory application often provides the opportunity…


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Kollegie tager imod motiverede ansøgninger

Available Dorm Rooms for 3,120 DKK/month

This dormitory does not use waiting lists. However, if your motivated application is on point, you may be assigned a room immediately. Right now, they have several available dorm rooms with a month rent of only 3,120 DKK….



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At kbh-kollegier.dk, we have gathered 290 student dorms in Copenhagen and the surrounding area, which together
have more than 35,000 student homes, so you can easily find and compare the halls of residences that meet
your housing criteria. 
As a member, you’ll get all the information you need to apply for student housing Copenhagen.

Questions and answers about student housing and dorms in Copenhagen

Many people move away from home to pursue higher education. Either because the studio is in a different city than your home town, or maybe you just need your own place so you can concentrate on your studies and build your own life at the same time. Whatever the reason, moving into a dorm can be a great idea. If you’ve never lived on your own, living in a dorm can be a smooth transition because you’re socializing and living with others who are in the same situation as you. For example, many residence halls in Copenhagen have traditions such as communal dinners and TV nights, and many also celebrate each other’s birthdays and get to know each other. But how do you find a dorm and which of the many dorms is the best fit for you? Read on and learn more about dorm life.

Who can apply for student dorms Copenhagen?

There are dormitories in Copenhagen that you can apply for, no matter what you are studying. This includes everything from youth education, apprenticeships and traineeships, to vocational education, professional bachelor’s degrees and short, medium and long-term higher education. You don’t have to be in university to be eligible to apply for a dorm room. However, in many cases, you must be under 30 years old and studying in the Greater Copenhagen area to be eligible to apply.

Read more about the application and see how many colleges accept applications from students with your degree here >>>

When can I apply for a place in a hall of residence?

With most halls of residence, you can apply for a hall of residence as early as three months before the expected start of your studies. Therefore, you can often apply even if you don’t yet know if you will be admitted to the program. If you are accepted, you will only need to submit study documentation afterwards.

Why you should also send a motivated application

The motivated application is an alternative to the regular waiting list and gives you the opportunity to influence the allocation of dorm rooms. If your application is good, you can move up the queue and in some cases even get a room immediately after submitting your application. The application typically consists of an application form where you have to answer a number of standard questions such as age, current address, study activity, etc. but in most cases you will also have to write an A4 page about your motivation for living in the given dormitory. It’s in the latter that your creativity comes into play. In this article, you’ll find advice on writing law.

You should still waitlist everywhere you can, but the cover letter is a great supplement to the passive waitlist. Another advantage for those who choose to apply motivated is that many students overlook this option, making it less competitive. Many of the colleges that accept motivated applications don’t put a lot of effort into marketing, so they can be hard to find. This combination makes it extra attractive to apply motivated.

As a member of kbh-kollegier.dk you can easily find the colleges that accept motivated applications

Housing support and dorm rooms in Copenhagen

Housing benefit is a social benefit that can be applied for by anyone who is renting and not on a pension. You may also know it as “housing benefit”. We all know that budgets can be extra tight when you’re a student. That’s why it’s a good idea to check your eligibility for housing support when looking for student housing or a dorm room in Copenhagen. Often you can get DKK 500-600 per month in housing benefit, which equates to around DKK 7,000 per year – for free.

There are a number of prerequisites that must be met in order for you to be eligible for housing benefit. The most important thing you need to be aware of is:

  • You must be a tenant and have your own kitchen (own plumbing). Please note that as a member of kbh-kollegier.dk, you can easily find all the halls of residence with private kitchens via the search function.
  • If you live in a dormitory and do not have your own bathroom or kitchen, you are NOT eligible for housing benefit.
  • If you live in a shared flat, only one of the residents can receive housing allowance (you can agree that the amount goes into a common pool).

Next, the amount of housing benefit you can receive is determined based on your income and rent, among other things. Want to see if you can get housing benefit and how much you can get? Then you can check and calculate how much you may receive in housing benefit at borger.dk.

Are dorms right for me?

The answer is most likely a resounding “YES”. There are so many different types of colleges today that there’s something for everyone. Residence life doesn’t have to mean run-down communal kitchens, dirty toilets and constant parties that can test the patience of even the most persistent party-goers. Of course, these dorms still exist and can be a paradise for the outgoing type, but for those who want more peace and quiet, a private bathroom and kitchenette, there are many great alternatives.

In the old days, the dormitory was a community where residents lived side by side with shared kitchens, bathroom facilities and shared arrangements for food, cleaning and much more. The picture has changed a lot, although dormitories still exist, following the original philosophy. Today, many dorm rooms come with their own bathroom and kitchenette, which could just as well be described as student accommodation. For example, 246 out of 280 halls of residence today come with their own bathroom, while 219 have their own kitchenette. This also means that many dormitories today function like student housing and therefore it is no longer accurate to talk about dormitories and student housing as two completely different types of housing for students. There is a lot of overlap between them.

We are therefore confident that there is a dormitory for you that matches your exact criteria for housing. As a member, you can read more about each dorm and get an insight into whether it could be a future home for you.

Who can live in a dormitory in Copenhagen?

Most halls of residences in Copenhagen require you to be a student and often between 18-32 years old. Some colleges have different requirements for seniority, field of study, etc. but the fact is that there are colleges no matter what you’re studying. This applies to youth education, vocational education, short, medium and long-term education. Here you can learn more about application criteria and see how many colleges in Copenhagen accept which programs.

How long can I stay in a dorm?

It varies from dormitory to dormitory in Copenhagen how long you can stay there. Some places require you to move within 3 months of graduation. Most of the halls of residence in Copenhagen are intended for students, so in order for new students to get a place, graduates often have to move out.

How do I get a Copenhagen dorm?

Many student dorms Copenhagen have waiting lists or interest lists inwhich you can register for. In most cases you and sign up 3 months before the expected start of your studies. If you want to optimize your chances of getting a Copenhagen dorm, it’s a good idea to apply several places and to apply for a dorm room in places that ask for a motivated application – you might be lucky enough to bypass the long waiting lists and be invited to visit the dorm, see your (maybe) future dorm room and meet your (maybe) new dorm mates.

There are also many private and independent halls of residence in Copenhagen, where you can apply without the big management companies and often avoid the long waiting lists. Other halls of residence in Copenhagen have ongoing vacancies and you can even book directly through their website. Get an overview of available rooms and application deadlines here.

Who lives in a dormitory in Copenhagen?

Most people living in a Copenhagen dorm or student residence are students or apprentices. Often it is young people between the ages of 18 and 30, and in some places it can be a diverse group of residents, all studying or apprenticing as something different, or perhaps with exchange students. In other places, the residence hall is affiliated with a specific faculty or educational institution. 

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