Nybrogård Kollegiet has a total of 536 accommodations, consisting of 468 college rooms and 68 college apartments. The college rooms come in two sizes, with regular college rooms being approximately 16 square meters, while the larger rooms are approximately 22 square meters. Both types of rooms come with their own bathroom and toilet. Residents of the college rooms have access to two communal kitchens shared between 13 people. The college apartments are 32 square meters and consist of two rooms, including a separate kitchen.
Pets are allowed if both neighbors and hallway agree to it. Read more about pets in Nybrogård Kollegiet’s house rules.
The rent for college rooms at Nybrogård Kollegiet starts at 2,831 DKK per month, including water, heating, electricity, internet, resident association fees, kitchen fees, costs for operating the antenna system, and the small TV package (