Who Can Apply for a Student Dormitory?

Regardless of your educational background, there are student dormitories where you are eligible to apply. This applies to both short-term, medium-term, long-term, and vocational education programs. You do not need to attend a university in order to live in a student dormitory. Navigating through the application rules of different dormitories and finding the places you are eligible to apply for can be challenging. However, as a member of kbh-kollegier.dk, you don’t need to worry about that.

On kbh-kollegier.dk, simply select your educational background in the search system under the “Dorms List” menu.  After that, you can easily explore the dormitories that are accessible for you to apply based on your education.

Below, you can see who can apply for a student dormitory based on educational institutions and types of education:

  • Youth education (STX, HF, HHX, HTX)
  • Vocational education programs (e.g., NEXT, UNORD, HRS, Niels Brock, and TEC).
  • Apprentices
  • Short higher education 
  • Bachelor of/in (e.g. Metropol, Campus Roskilde, Niels Brock, CPH Business, KEA, University College UCC)
  • University of Copenhagen 
  • Technical University of Denmark
  • Copenhagen Business School 
  • Other Bachelor and Master programs (RUC, ITU, AU, DPU, SDU, DADK, etc.)
  • PhD students 
  • International students (exchange students) (see our english guide)

Below, you can see the number of student dormitory options available for each educational institution and type of education:

Become a member today and get an overview of Copenhagen's dormitories

We make it easier to understand the dormitory market in Copenhagen, where different application requirements make it difficult to understand where you can actually apply. We have collected 290 dormitories, with more than 35,000 rooms in total, so you can easily find the dormitories that meet your housing criteria.

Motivated application

Motivated dormitory application – What is it and what should it say? What is a motivated application? A motivated dormitory application often provides the opportunity…

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